
Садуллаева Ш.А.  

Numerical modeling of one nonlinear kolmogorov-fisher type model of biological population problem

In this work is shown that even in the case of presence of the double nonlinearity in the equation exists the critical value of parameters, which solution has a character of the solution of the linear equation.
It is noted, if the coefficient of the diffusion is not constant and depends on solutions, then naturally a solution of the system reaction diffusion will powerfully differ from the case of the constant coefficient of diffusion [1].

[1] Aripov M., Sadullaeva Sh.A. To solutions of one nondivergent type parabolic equation with double nonlinearity, Proceedings, ISAAC09-02, pp 592-596.

Abstracts file: тезис_Новосибирск_2011_niknik.doc

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