Novosibirsk, Russia, May, 30 – June, 4, 2011

International Conference
"Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: Theory, Experiment and Applications", devoted to the 90th anniversary of professor Nikolai N. Yanenko

Князева, Анна Георгиевна

Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS
Russia, 634021, Tomsk, pr. Academicheskii, 2/1
Phone: +7(382-2) 49-18-81, Fax: +7(382-2) 49-25-76

Reports list

  1. Миколайчук М.А.*, Князева А.Г.*
    Coupled two dimensional problem of diffusion under external loading
    *Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS (Tomsk), Russia
  2. Назаренко Н.Н.*, Князева А.Г.*
    Modeling of coating growth at the condition of microarc oxidation
    *Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS (Tomsk), Russia
  3. Чумаков Ю.А.*, Князева А.Г.*
    Разложение полимера в окрестности частицы твердого катализатора с учетом теплового расширения
    *Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS (Tomsk), Russia

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