The Conference “InterCarto-InterGIS 17” will address the following themes:
1. Geoinformation mapping, geoinformation virtual environments, geoinformation systems (GIS), GIS-technologies
2. Remote sensing of the Earth (RSE): research technologies and RSE data processing
3. Spatial data infrastructure (SDI), data bases and integration, metadata, geoservices
4. Geoinformation-cartographical provision of sustainable development of territories:
- GIS in planning, decision making and management;
- GIS in economy and business;
- GIS in science and education;
- GIS in architecture and urban development;
- GIS in nature management, nature conservation and geoecology;
- GIS in public health service, tourism and recreation;
- GIS in history, culture, art and social activity;
- GIS in other fields
The Conference will include sections and workshops with the involvement of Russian and foreign experts.