
Yablokov V.M.   Zavadskaya A.  

GIS-modelling of thermal fields of the Valley of the Geysers (Kronotsky Preserve, Kamchatka)

Reporter: Yablokov V.M.

Soil temperature is one of the leading azonal factors determining microclimate, vegetation cover, microflora and fauna formation of unique ecosystems of geothermal areas. Its large-scale mapping is extremely important for providing basic information about habitats’ features both for conservation of unique landscapes and conducting biological research in these areas.
This paper presents the results of GIS-based modeling of thermal fields of the Valley of the Geysers (Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Preserve) and demonstrates the possibility of such modelling on basis of vegetation cover characteristics.
Field studies, conducted by the authors in summer 2011, included detailed soil temperature (on the depth of 15 cm and 50 cm) and vegetation (species composition and cover) observations along three geographical profiles (approximately 250 meters long each). The statistical analysis of collected data showed existance of indicator function between vegetation and soil temperature. As a result all the observed vegetation units has been classified into 7 temperature classes according to their belonging to soil temperatures. Then all the units on vegetation map of the Valley of the Geysers have been replaced by the temperature characteristics of selected seven classes. Finally, using spatial interpolation in ArcGIS we created the map of soil temperature distribution in the valley of the Geysers at a depth of 15 cm and 50 cm.
Comparison of our map with similar maps, conducted using other methods, demonstrates the relevancy of presented approach.

Abstracts file: Интеркарто_Яблоков_Завадская.docx
Full text file: Яблоков_Завадская.docx

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