
Татауров С.Ф.  

Traditions and innovations in wooden architecture of Tara (on archaeological materials of excavation of the city)

The wooden architecture of one of the first Russian cities in Western Siberia to Tara deserves a serious research. The planigrafiya of city remains invariable nearly 250 years, during this time there were practically no violations in the principles of manor development. During archeological excavations of 2007-2017 years, seven construction horizons have been fixed, which clearly demonstrate continuity in the economy of the Tara's masters. Many elements of this architecture can be observed also in modern Tara. On the other hand during the researches we have recorded also new elements in construction – emergence of new materials – sawn boards, glasses, nails and change in structures of houses and other constructions at their use. This research shows the need to conduct serious ethnographic research in the city of Tara and to formulate their main directions.

Keywords: Siberia, Tara, history, architecture, wood, tool.

Full text file: Татауров С Ф.doc

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