
Korol G.G.  

Sacral and natural landscape elements in the art of the early medieval inhabitants of the Sayan-Altai region and the role of a master in their choice

 The problem of correlation between historical and natural landscape is considered. The sacral landscape is part of the historical one. Often they are inseparable and form a certain unity. The historical landscape of earlier eras was the environment of the medieval population of the region. People could always see it. Elements of the sacral landscape (stone sculptures, stelas, petroglyphs, etc.), including the previous eras, were a conducive background for the appearance of some motifs of early medieval small toreutics (mainly belt non-ferrous ornaments for horseman and horse, as well as some other fine artifacts). They were perceived adequately, even with the image iconography, which was borrowed and foreign to the local traditions. Some examples are analyzed: anthropomorphic masks,   hunting horseman scenes, mythical animals, and also fasteners in form of flying ducks figures. The popularity of images relied on their perception through the prism of not only their beliefs and worldview, but also the surrounding landscape, especially the sacral. It was consonant with the people notions of the world. The role of a master – artist, caster/smith in one person, in choice of the appropriate motifs and images of the decor was different (conscious or not). But acceptance by a “consumer” of the proposed images was based on many components. The elements of the sacral landscape were part of them.

Keywords: sacral and natural landscape, Okunev stone sculptures and stelas, petroglyphs, small toreutics, master – artist, caster/smith, early Middle Ages, Sayan-Altai region

Abstracts file: Король-аннотация-En.docx
Full text file: Король-Интеграция-2018.docx

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