
Abolina L.A.  

Pottery stoved ampersfrom

During archaeological mission in Yeniseisk there were found lots of pottery fragments, the nature of the objects wasn’t clear. Similar objects were looked for in contiguous areas, in central and northern regions, a few suggestions about the purpose of the pottery objects were studied. Basing on the research findings, we can state, that the pottery objects from Yeniseisk are stove dampers consisting of two parts: a frame (ring-shaped furrow) and a cover. A procedure of comparing the selected samples was developed and the dampers were divided into categories. The shape of the damper is defined as the main characteristic, the additional features are the following: the moulding material composition, the method of shaping, the firing environment. The extracted information allows to identify and categorize dampers and shows us the way they were used in Russia in ХVII-ХIХ centuries.

Key words: archeology, Yeniseisk, pottery furrows, covers, stove heating, stove flue, damper.

Full text file: Аболина.docx

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