
Kunin A.I.  

The translated comics in Russia

An array of translated editions of comic books published in Russia since the 1990s, influenced the attitude of society towards these publications, was starting an independent direction of translated comics in the Russian book industry.

Mass publication of comics started from the 1990s. The main audience, which were calculated these editions in 1990 and 1999, were children under 14 years. By the early 2000s, in large Russian cities began to appear in clubs and informal groups of fans of American comics and Japanese manga.

It turned out that the idea of the comic book as light reading is misleading. Being included in the context of national culture, foreign comics are often a set of references to various aspects of the history and culture of the country in which they were created.

Failed experiments in the publication of translated comics in the early 2000s became one of the causes for founding specialized publishers of comics and manga. An important role in the development of the culture of the foreign editions of comic books in the Russian language has played international festivals (The KomMissia (since 2002 in Moscow), and "Boomfest" (since 2007 in St. Petersburg).

Today translated comics publishes in both specialized and universal publishing. Edition translated comics is important to the development of distinctive national culture of graphic novels, which will eventually become a competitive product in the international context.

Abstracts file: Kunin_tezisi.doc
Full text file: Kunin_doklad.doc

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