Международная конференция «Математические и информационные технологии, MIT-2016»

28 августа – 5 сентября 2016 г.

Врнячка Баня, Сербия - Будва, Черногория

Milovanović G.V.   Stojanović V.   Kevkić T.  

Application of the homotopy perturbations in the surface-potential-based MOSFET modelling

Докладчик: Stojanović V.

The paper describes a novel approach in approximate solving the implicit relation between the surface potential and terminal voltage in n-type MOS transistor. Using the homotopy perturbation (HP) method, an approximative solution, which at the same time has a relative simple mathematical form, and a high degree of accuracy was obtained. It is shown that HP approximations, in comparison to a previously used approximate methods, have a many advantages: they can be calculated  recursively to arbitrary numerical precision, and the whole  procedure can be implemented by using the appropriate software.

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