
Andreeva N.M.   Пак Н.И.  

Organization of Computer Science Education Process Under the Control of Road Maps in the Conditions of Information Subject Environment

Reporter: Andreeva N.M.

The paper presents a conceptual model of Computer Science learning   under the management of the road maps in the conditions of the mixed form of educating. To realize this model an informative subject environment has been developed  in the Learn Management System MOODLE. The structural elements of a road map are realized by the MOODLE control elements. The results of the learning are a self-weighted sum of all got estimations and the level of development of IC-competence of a student.
The teacher lines up the structure of the road map in accordance with general requirements to the results of learning discipline and the plan-chart of the educational process. A student constructs the route of advancement on a travelling map «step by step», taking into account his personal preferences in an educational process and wishful  results.
MOODLE informs a student about the current value of his final estimation and recommends the transit points on every stage of the road map.
The road map adapts itself to the changing rates of  learning, to dynamics of development of IC-competence of a student, to changes of his purposes and personal preferences; allows him to correct the choice of tasks or to go back to a reiteration of the poorly mastered  themes. The timeliness of advancement on a road map guarantees the volume of  knowledge and  skills, necessary for the further mastering of discipline in every point of the route.

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