Международная конференция «Математические и информационные технологии, MIT-2013»
(X конференция «Вычислительные и информационные технологии в науке,
технике и образовании»)

Врнячка Баня, Сербия, 5–8 сентября 2013 г.

Будва, Черногория, 9–14 сентября 2013 г.

Потапов А.А.  

The Global Fractal Method, Fractal Paradigm and the Fractional Derivatives Method in Fundamental Radar Problems and Designing of Revolutionary Radio Signals Detectors

The main methodological problems arising during the comprehensive use of the global fractal method proposed by the author and of the existing method of fractal operators in radar are considered in the paper. The topicality of this work is first of all based on a critical need in understanding of fractality and randomness as a unified integral process of forming the fractal paradigm in a wide spectrum of natural sciences, technical sciences and humanities. The paper suggests a general view on fundamental problems mentioned in the title from the synergetic point of view of open non-markovian micro- and macrosystems to a reader.

Файл тезисов: Заготовка_Potapov_1.doc
Файл с полным текстом: Potapov_1_Paper.doc

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