
Abstract submission

* In the process of online registration of report application its abstract has to be represented in text format without formulas, figures and tables, not exceeding 250 words (insert into the white box and download as a file format in MS Word ( 2003-2007)). This text will be included in the annotated Programme of the Conference, which will be formed after receiving of confirmations of participation.

* You may also present an extended abstracts till April 15, 2013, which will have the status of "electronic publication". You should attach this file to your online report application as “Full text file”, in PDF format, not exceeding eight pages (A4) and not more than 1 Mb, prepared as for the Journal «Computational Technologies» in LaTeX 2ε format (see instructions here) using jctart class file (standard article class can also be used). The files of appropriate jctart.cls class file can be downloaded from JCT web site:

* The Organizing Committee is planning the publication of selected conference proceedings. Its list will be determined taking into account the views of section chairmen. Rules for the preparation of texts for this edition will be determined later.